Tag Archives: LFG Baltic

LFG Baltic – Best practice and lessons learned report

As a result of the LFG Baltic project the experiences of landfill gas extraction and utilisation in Lithuania, Poland and Sweden have been compiled in a report. Furthermore two innovative landfill gas technologies developed in Denmark and Iceland have been added.

The information has been gathered by Dr. Andrius Tamosiunas, deputy director Lithuanian Energy Institute, Dr. Robert Aranowski, Gdansk University of Technology and Dr. Jörgen Held, CEO Baltic Energy Innovation Centre. International landfill gas experts, invited to the LFG Baltic seminar organised in collaboration with REGATEC 2019, have contributed with important input.

As a result of the European Landfill Directive less and less organic material is landfilled and by time the methane content in the landfill gas decreases. In order to take advantage of the energy content in the extracted landfill gas technologies able to use landfill gas with low methane content are of great interest. In the report several such technologies are presented, such as Micro turbines, Stirling engines, dual fuel engines and thermal oxidisers.